You read correctly! There is no other website, blog, or any other resource that provides you with the kind of help and support that is provided by
Everything that we provide at Be your Own Lawyer is by lawyers with years of experience in and out of court. They will explain not only what you have to do, and when you have to do it, but how and why! The only way to successfully represent yourself is to know everything about your case.
The law provides that you are allowed to represent yourself in court right? And aren’t you just as smart as the next person? And aren’t you representing yourself to save attorney’s fees. So why should you have pay someone else to help you?
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, State Rules, Specific Court Rules, Rules of Evidence…..
The legal system is an intricate theater and it’s all orchestrated by rules.
While knowing the rules may not guarantee that you’ll win your case, not knowing them will virtually guarantee that you will lose!
Where do you find the rules? How to you figure out which ones apply to you? How do you know how the courts interpret the rules?
Be Your Own Lawyer will help you understand and navigate your way through what may seem to be a hopelessly confusing challenge.
You can’t win your case if you don’t know the law – ALL of it – that applies to your case.
You need know things like:
There is no single easy source to find the answers to these and hundreds of other questions.
Be Your Own lawyer can do the research for you and show you how by applying the right law, you can win your case!!
As if learning all these things wasn’t difficult enough, you will find yourself confronted by the
Everyone tells to that you can represent yourself, but, no one will tell you how!
If you ask for help at the courthouse, you will be told that they cannot provide legal advice.
Lawyers will not help you. They want to get paid to represent you and will not provide legal advice unless you are a client.
If you ask a judge, you’ll be told to go lookup the law.
But now you have Be Your Own Lawyer. We will teach you everything you need to know in order to represent yourself!
We know that representing yourself is not easy.
We know that there are plenty of scams and gimmicks out there.
That’s Why Be Your Own Lawyer Offers Free Case Assessment
That’s Right – 100% Free – No Scams or Gimmicks!
Here’s How it Works: